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I have this desire in my heart to share some special thoughts with you. In our busy world, we don't often find opportunities to sit down together and exchange ideas. Besides, I'm somewhat of a shy person, and find it challenging to discuss the deeper issues in a casual setting. I don't like the thought of intruding on someone's private space.

So, I thought I'd extend the invitation for you to come and have a chat with me, here on my web site. That way, it's on your terms. You can come and go as you wish. I truly hope this website will be a blessing to you. Please bookmark this page, so you can come back again and again!

Some people can talk and talk and talk! I'm not that way. I just write and write and write! That is how I best communicate. So, if you will lend me your eyes, I will talk to you in my language. Then I would be so very pleased if you would talk back, and share your thoughts on what I have written.

I want to tell you my story, so you can share my joy! I want to introduce you to my best Friend! I share my personal journey for your benefit, because, no matter what your life experience has been, we can enjoy the same end result. And it's out of this world!

I want to point you to the Source of every good thing-Our wonderful Creator. He loves you more than you can imagine. I want to help you to connect with Him.

I believe there truly is only one place we can go to find the answers to all our questions. Through years of study, I have uncovered some amazing truths that are too good to keep to myself! You've got to hear them! These are not my ideas-they're so much wiser than anything a mere human could dream up. Of course, I'm talking about the Bible, and the Author of the Bible, God Himself.

Please, don't run away! I am praying that you will read here something that will change your life for the better. I promise you that if you will keep reading what's here, glorious light from heaven will shine upon you, and you will become a new person! That's a big promise, I know. But the One who will fulfill it has given His Word, and He will perform it!

My Story - God was able to stop me from hurtling down a destructive course, and place my feet on an upward path. I am so grateful to Him for all He's done for me!

Bible Study- If you have questions about God, heaven, death, the meaning of life, and other very important matters, you NEED to study the Bible! There are many Bible courses available here. I invite you to start one today. What better use could you make of your time, than to prepare for eternity!

Highly Recommended Websites:

These are websites I have prepared:

30 Days to Peace - If God is not yet your best friend, please know that He wants to be! He makes the best friend ever! He will never let you down! And He has so much to offer, way more than any human friend can provide! Security, comfort, peace, joy, hope, courage, and unending love! By investing a brief time each day for 30 days, you will uncover a treasure beyond measure! Start today!

Heaven Challenge - If you want to God to heaven, you NEED to read the guidebook, the Bible! The Guide to Heaven provides a daily reading of just 5 verses a day, for 1 year. You will learn amazing truths that will open your eyes like never before!

Please pray for me! We all need prayer support. This is where you can learn how to pray meaningful prayers, and find prayer support. I'd love to pray for you and your specific needs.

The Bible School - We may have completed our formal education, but we all need to be enrolled in God's School, learning His truths. The Bible School contains many Bible study lessons, written in a variety of ways to reach your heart with precious truth.

Wordkeeping is a Bible Memory Website, using a special technique to help you memorize God's Word.

Hannah Hugs is Hannah's website, sharing her loving ministry with others.

The following Websites call us to a higher standard:

Moving Toward Modesty - God want us to turn away from the sinful pleasures and indulgences of this world. He wants to purify us from pride and lust. Inward and outward modesty is one way He proposes to do this for us.

Remnant Raiment - Additional information is provided on our outward appearance as it relates to our Christian witness.

The Straight Testimony - This website centers on the message God has given to his last-day Church. We find we are in great need of a revival and reformation. God is calling us to repentance, and to a deeper commitment to Him.

Summary: The Christian's Journey - I firmly believe that God's way is the best way, and we can only discover His way through His Word. Jesus talks about a broad way - where most people travel, and a narrow way - where the faithful few are found. The narrow way leads to heaven, and eternal life, while the broad way leads to destruction. The narrow way is not popular, but it's SO WORTH IT! You will find many articles and website I have created that will help you find that precious path.

As we draw closer to Jesus, we learn deeper truths about what pleases Him. He is desiring to lead His final church to a victorious experience in Christ. As this World winds down, and prophecies are being fulfilled, He has needful counsel for us. Jesus is coming soon! God promises extra power to His end-time church, to enable us to overcome sin and glorify Him.

Thank you for spending some time with me. I'd love to hear from you!





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