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My Enemy, the TV

We had recently moved to a new house in town. Having previously lived in the country, we were enjoying the conveniences and benefit of our new location. At our former location we had no cable, satellite or antennae to provide us with TV reception. Thus cable TV was quite a novelty here at our new home.

However, as the weeks wore on I began to become unhappy about a pattern I noticed developing. My husband and I were communicating less and less. Whereas we had frequently retired at the same time, and taken the opportunity before we drifted off to sleep of sharing the events of the day, that now was changed. The TV could provide a much more interesting program than my simple conversation. Therefore I went to bed alone while my husband watched TV. Night after night this was the routine.

Being one to enjoy a close companionship with my spouse, I began to miss our times together. So I began mentioning my desire for time together. Once in a while my husband would agree to come to bed early. But being weary from all his late night viewing escapades, he'd soon fall asleep before we could have a meaningful conversation.

I became more distressed over the situation as time progressed. What could I do? I looked upon the TV as my enemy, competing for my husband's attention. I began contemplating ways to “murder” my enemy: I could hide it, sell it, break it, cancel the cable service, etc. All of which I knew would not make my husband happy. But then my husband would be available to spend time with me.

One night as I was drifting off to sleep, alone and distressed as usual, I was musing over my sad situation. I was thinking of all the things I wanted to share with my husband. I thought about the book on marriage we had started reading together, now sitting neglected on the shelf. I thought of how I used to enjoy going to sleep in his arms. In my feelings of rejection, and my desires to have the situation resolved, it was as if the Lord spoke to me. Linda, now you know how I feel. Think about the heartbreak I experience every day. I so long for a close relationship with My wayward children. So many of them ignore Me. I think about all the wonderful times we could have together, all the spiritual blessings I'd like to share with them. But day after day, they go about doing their own thing, and leave Me totally out of the picture.

And then I thought about God's reaction. He didn't go and smash everyone's TV, as it were., forcing them to spend time with Him. No, He waited patiently in heartbreaking love, longing, hoping, sometimes pleading for their return to Him. He gives each one of His children free choice, although it breaks His heart when we turn away.

As I contemplated these thoughts, such great love welled up in my heart for my Lord. He's always there, waiting, never turning away, always available but yet never forcing. He wants the relationship with His children to be voluntary, because they desire His companionship, not because He forces them into compliance. And so as I applied these thought to my own situation, I realized that forcing my husband to spend time with me against his will would not benefit either of us. God's example will give me patience to wait, hoping my husband will soon miss our good times together and choose to restore our close bond.

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